CO2 Forecast

Access the best CO2 emission forecast data

Highest valorization of carbon emission reduction efforts on electricity consumption in the market. Aligns all stakeholders interests.


Discover our powerful algorithm

We forecast the marginal power generating technology on an hourly basis for the next day across 13 countries in Europe. All our data are processed through state of the art algorithms.

Our technology is used by ENGIE

Our independent data source is used to drive changes in consumer’s behavior in addition to the supplier’s efforts to green their supply.

Actionnable insights to empower clients

Help your customers achieve their emission reduction targets.

Our unique methodology provides the highest valorization in the market of your client efforts to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Improve your customer loyalty with high quality services and competitive offers.

Access the data through our standard REST API

We forecast the marginal CO2 emissions from power consumption on an hourly basis across 13 countries in Europe.

Integrate directly

REST API is the reference technology for easy integration in all your IT systems

Historical data files

Our database enables to access all historical data

Tailor made solutions

Our team helps you develop and design the best use cases for your business

Reduce the climat impact of your business with our free application

Onboard and train all your employees in this ambitious goal to limit energy consumption and environmental impact with our free application to transform the culture from inside your company.

Why us?

Good for your clients

Highly empower their efforts with concrete feedback

Good for your business

Improve your power sourcing and valorize the flexibility

Good for the planet

Onboard all the stakeholders behind a common goal

Made with ♥ in Paris, France


© 2021 eFlower. All right reserved.