About Us

At eFlower, our ambition is to build solutions to better manage electricity in a common effort to fight the climate change 🌱 Because sorting our power is like sorting our trash: it’s just a matter of good citizenship!

Marc Schicks
CEO & Founder

22 years of experience in energy and power plant management.

Natacha Da Riba
Data Scientist

Putting data analysis to work for the environment.

Christophe Leroux
Mobile app developer

22 years of experience in start-up and mobile application development.

Vincent Mermet
Business Developer

The man who talks to the industry.

Edouard Guedel
Marketing & Growth

You may not know him, but he knows you.

Alexandre Augrain
Digital Strategy

Web tools have no secrets for him.

Dorian Bonnaves

Expert in the art of making the complex simple and useful.

Made with ♥ in Paris, France


© 2021 eFlower. All right reserved.

